Admission Overview

Admission Overview
After receiving an enquiry for admission the following procedure is followed:
- Provision of school information to prospective parent
- Arrangement of a visit to the school on an agreed date
- Tour of school & interview/assessment with Headmaster or Member of the Senior Management Team
- Receipt of Application Forms together with copies of previous school reports, reference and examination results where applicable
- Written Offer of a Place issued with Acceptance Form
- Receipt of signed acceptance form together with copies of birth certificate and/or passport and 4 passport sized photographs
- Issue of uniform lists, joining instructions for students and invoice for fees
- Opening of student file upon payment of fees
- Inclusion of student information on School Management system
- Information to Dorm Masters / Mistresses and Staff
The database is published at the beginning of the Michaelmas term and is updated at intervals throughout the year as required.
* In cases where an interview has not been possible, Greensteds School requires a reference from student’s previous school.
School Uniform
Parents are advised to purchase school uniform and equipment as advised in the joining instructions.
This is available from our suppliers in Nairobi and Nakuru.