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Student Taster at Greensteds International School
Choosing a new school for your son or daughter can be quite daunting. Greensteds International School offers taster days to enable our prospective students and families to have a taste of what the school looks like and also provides a consolidated amount of time at the school which provides a much better sense of what lies ahead and importantly whether one’s child will be happy in our school environment. Taster days at Greensteds International School help the prospective student to find out more about the school, just like they help the school find out about the pupil and the family. The prospective students get an opportunity to honestly assess whether Greensteds is the right school.
Greensteds International School is proud of a rich academic culture that encourages; creativity and sporting excellence. Thus, a taster goes a long way in providing an opportunity for prospective students to experience extracurricular activities and get an authentic experience of being well-rounded, self-assured, enterprising and independent young people. The taster student is able to know about school trips, events and clubs, thus helping develop and widen their interest and knowledge outside the classroom curriculum.
Finally, on an individual request basis, a prospective student can spend a day or a weekend shadowing a “buddy”: attending lessons, participating in sports activities, perhaps most important of all eating and socialising with potential friends and finally sleeping overnight in an appropriate boarding house. This also means that when a student arrives the next term, they are far more familiar with the different
corridors, paths and rooms and will see familiar faces.
Book your child’s taster day by emailing admission@greenstedsschool.com