Welcome from Head
Welcome from the head
Welcome and thank you for visiting the Greensteds International School website. We are deliberate and enthusiastic about the education we offer and are especially proud of our students. Greensteds International School is an academically non-selective school and the education we offer extends beyond the academic. We take pride in providing opportunities for each child to develop skills that will support growth in their individual personalities, passions, co-curricular activities, community involvement and sporting endeavors.
Set in a serene environment with lush green grounds overlooking the Great Rift Valley and a warm ambiance, the school offers students the opportunity to thrive in a homely setting whilst enjoying the conveniences of modern living. One of the greatest strengths of this school is the students themselves, who actively and positively contribute to creating a school that is inclusive, supportive, and enjoyable. As a community, we help students to understand the importance of academics in conjunction with co-curricular and personal development.
Service-learning is part and parcel of this system, allowing students to be awakened to the importance of environmental conservation, caring for others in the society and raising funds and support to facilitate these activities. It has given all of us such joy and gratification to see the happy faces of pupils at a local school, Kiungururia Primary School as they interact with our students during ICT classes taught by our own students and on the fields playing games together. Education at Greensteds is hinged on seven pillars that run like golden threads through all aspects of school life, these are Dedication, Diversity, Opportunity, Respect, Care, Challenge and Community. As a community we believe that moral excellence and character development is an end in itself and we seek to be intentional about character education, our aim being that our students will grow into servant-hearted leaders embracing diversity with respect and daring to challenge and accept challenges constructively.
Our students encounter consistent expectations, role models, and traditions, which help them feel part of the Greensteds family and encourage them to begin taking charge for themselves and others. For the older students, we expect them to take responsibility for their learning and gradually develop intellectual discipline. I do trust that you will enjoy exploring our website and getting to know us a little better. Of course, it is only by visiting Greensteds that you will truly get a feel for the place. We are always keen to hear from our present and potential stakeholders. For any assistance or clarification, kindly contact the school office by dropping an email at office@greenstedsschool.com
It is an honour to be of service to this school family.